- 1984 doktor matematičkih nauka, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
- 1982 magistar matematičkih nauka, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
- 1978-81 postdiplomski studij matematike, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
- 1977-79 postdiplomski studij filozofije, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
- 1977 diplomirani matematičar, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
Akademsko iskustvo
- 2012-2016 rektor Univerziteta u Sarajevu
- 2011- voditelj III ciklusa – doktorskog studija Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta
- 1995-2000 prorektor Univerziteta u Sarajevu
- 1992-2000 dekan Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Sarajevu
- 1999-2002 profesor na University of Maryland College Europe
- 1993- redovni profesor na Odsjeku za matematiku Univerziteta u Sarajevu
- 1991-2013 voditelj postdiplomskog studija matematičkih nauka, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
- 1987-93 vanredni profesor na Univerzitetu “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru (do 1990) i nUniverzitetu u Sarajevu
- 1986-89 šef Katedre za matematiku, fiziku i statistiku Univerziteta “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru
- 1985-87 docent na Univerzitetu “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru i Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
- 1982-85 viši asistent na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru
- 1978-82 asistent na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru
Naučni radovi
- M. Avdispahić, Z. Šabanac, Determination of a jump by Fourier and FourierChebyshev series (na recenziji)
- H. Alajbegović, M. Avdispahić, Zeta functions and subgroup growth in $P2/m$, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 54 (2016), No. 1, 331-343; (28 September 2015)
- H. Alajbegović, M. Avdispahić, Zeta and normal zeta functions for a subclass of space groups, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 53 (2015), No. 7, 1537-1548; DOI: 10.1007/s10910-015-0504-8 (18 April 2015)
- M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić, Order of zeta functions for compact odd-dimensional locally symmetric spaces, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6969.pdf
- M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić, On the logarithmic derivative of zeta functions for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric spaces, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.7384.pdf
- M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić, Distribution of the zeta functions singularities for compacteven-dimensional locally symmetric spaces, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.7209.pdf
7. M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić, Order of Selberg's and Ruelle's zeta functions for compact even-dimensional locally symmetric spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (New York, USA) (2014); dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2013.10.052
8. M. Avdispahić, N. Memić and F. Weisz, Maximal functions, Hardy spaces and Fourier multiplier theorems on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (New York, USA) 390 (2012), 68-73; doi: 10.10016/j.jma 2012.01.019
9. M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić: On the error term in the prime geodesic theorem, Bulletinmof the Korean Mathematical Society 49 (2012), No. 2, 367-372; http://dx.doi.org/10.4134/BKMS.2012.49.2.367
10. M. Avdispahić, J. Jorgenson, L. Smajlović: Asymptotic behavior of the Selberg zeta functions for degenerating families of hyperbolicmanifolds, Communications in Mathematical Physics 310 (2012), 217-236; DOI 10.1007/s00220-011-1408-5
11. M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić, A weighted prime geodesic theorem, Math. Balkanica
(N.S.) 25 (2011), Fasc. 5, 463-474
12. M. Avdispahić, N. Memić: A derivative on the field of p-adic numbers, p-Adic
Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications 2 (2010), no. 4, 278-284.
13. M. Avdispahić, N. Memić: On the Lebesgue test for convergence of Fourier series on
unbounded Vilenkin groups, Acta Mathematica Hungarica DOI: 10.1007/s10474-010-
0023-9; 129 (2010), No. 4, 381-392
14. M. Avdispahić, N. Memić: Fourier multiplier theorem for atomic Hardy spaces on
unbounded Vilenkin groups, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(New York, USA) doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2009.09.037 363 (2010), No.2 , 588-595
15. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: On the logarithmic derivative of the Selberg zeta
function. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269742856 (2010)
16. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: On the Selberg orthogonality for automorphic Lfunctions, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel, Switzerland), DOI: 10.1007/s00013-009-
0099-z, published online on January 22, 2010, 94 (2010), No.2, 147-154
17. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: On the prime number theorem for a compact Riemann
surface, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Arizona State University (Tempe,
Arizona, USA) 39 (2009), No. 6, 1837-1845
18. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Euler constants for Fuchsian groups of the first kind,
Acta Arithmetica, Institutum Mathematicum, Academia Scientiarum Polona (Warsaw,
Poland) 131 (2008), No. 2, 125-143
19. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Primes, zeros and explicit formulas in: Proceedings of
the LUMS International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in
Information Technology
20. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Explicit formulas and Euler constants on algebraic
number fields, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Special
Issue on Leonhard Paul Euler's Tricentennial: Mathematical Topics and Applications.
11 (2007), No. 7, 13-20
21. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Functional equation in the fundamental class and the
type of explicit formula, Annals of the European Academy of Sciences 2006-2007
(Liège, Belgium) Online Edition 1784-357X; pp. 69-81
22. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Explicit formula for the hyperbolic scattering
determinant, Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series. Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg,
Germany) DOI: 10.1007/s10114-005-0791-2, published online on June 17, 2006, 23
(2007), No. 5, 889-894
23. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: A note on Weil’s explicit formula, in: A. Yu.
Krennikov, Z. Rakić, I. V. Volovich, p-adic Mathematical Physics, American Institute
of Physics Conference Proceedings (Melville, New York, USA) 826 (2006), 312-319
24. M. Avdispahić, H. Jamak: Multimodules over multirings (II), International Journal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics (Sofia, Bulgaria) (accepted for publication)
25. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: A new explicit formula for the fundamental class of
functions, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (Taipeh, Taiwan) 10 (2006) No. 6,
26. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: An explicit formula and its application to the Selberg
trace formula, Monatshefte für Mathematik, Springer-Verlag (Vienna, Austria)) DOI
10.1007/s00605-005-0317-0 published online on February 10, 2006, 147 (2006), No.
3, 183-198
27. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: On maximal operators on k-spheres in Zn, Proceedings
of the American Mathematical Society (Providence, Rhode Island, USA), posted on
January 17, 2006, PII: S 0002-9939(06)08458-9 134 (2006), No. 7, 2125-2130
28. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović: Explicit formula for a fundamental class of functions,
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin (Brussels, Belgium) 12
(2005) No. 4, 569-587.
29. M. Avdispahić, L. Smajlović:
-variation and Barner-Weil functional, Mathematica
Balkanica (Sofia, Bulgaria) 17 (2003), No. 3-4, 267-289.
30. M. Avdispahić, M. Pepić: On summabilty in Lp -norm on general Vilenkin groups,
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (Taipeh, Taiwan) 4 (2000), 285-296
31. M. Avdispahić, M. Pepić: Summability and integrability of Vilenkin series,
Collectanea Mathematica (Barcelona, Spain) 51 (2000), 237-254
32. M. Avdispahić, M. Pepić: An integrability theorem on unbounded Vilenkin groups,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (New York, USA) 175 (1993),
33. M. Avdispahić: Besov spaces and generalized Lipschitz spaces on Vilenkin groups are
identical, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolayi 58. Approximation Theory,
Kecskemet (Hungary) 1990, North Holland, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York 1991, 41-
34. M. Avdispahić: Note on approximation in locally compact abelian groups, Functiones
et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici (Poznan, Poland) 16 (1988), 191-195
35. M. Avdispahić, Criteria for absolute and strong convergence of Fourier series,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (Prague, Czech Republic) 37 (112) (1987), no. 4,
36. M. Avdispahić, On the strong convergence of trigonometric series of a special type,
Radovi matematički (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 3 (1987), no. 2, 317-324.
37. M. Avdispahić: Concepts of generalized variation on Vilenkin groups and
convergence of Fourier-Vilenkin series, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos
Bolayi 49. Alfred Haar Memorial Conference, Budapest (1985), North Holland,
Amsterdam 1987, 145-163
38. M. Avdispahić: Concepts of generalized bounded variation and the theory of Fourier
series, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (Orlando,
Florida, USA) 9 (1986), no. 2, 223-244
39. M. Avdispahić: Fejer's theorem for the classes Vp, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico
di Palermo (Palermo, Italy) 35 (1986), no. 1, 90-101
40. M. Avdispahić: On the determination of the jump of a function by its Fourier series,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica (Budapest, Hungary) 48 (1986), no. 3-4, 267-271.
41. M. Avdispahić: An Izumis’ theorem on the absolute convergence of Fourier series and
its generalizations, Radovi matematički (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 1 (1985),
no. 2, 231-240
42. M. Avdispahić: On the classes
BV and V
, Proceedings of the American
Mathematical Society (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) 95 (1985), no. 2, 230-234
43. M. Avdispahić, N. Tanović-Miller: On the spectra of nonnegative triangular matrix
transformations. Analysis (Munich, Germany) 3 (1983), no. 1-4, 39-54.
Izlaganja na konferencijama
1. M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić, D. Kamber, Order of zeta functions for compact evendimensional symmetric spaces, MASSEE International Congress of Mathematics
MICOM-2015, Athens, September 22-26, 2015
2. M. Avdispahić. Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Sciences in Southeast Europe,
MASSEE International Congress on Mathematics MICOM-2012, Sarajevo, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, September 19 – 23, 2012
3. M. Avdispahić, Dž. Gušić, On the prime geodesic theorem for compact locally
symmetric spaces, MASSEE International Congress on Mathematics MICOM-2012,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 19 – 23, 2012
4. M. Avdispahić, Z. Šabanac, Determination of a jump by Fourier-Jacobi series,
MASSEE International Congress on Mathematics MICOM-2012, Sarajevo, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, September 19 – 23, 2012
5. M. Avdispahić, Harmonic Analysis, DAAD Go East Sarajevo Summer School of
Applications of Mathematics in Engineering, Sarajevo, August 11-27, 2012
6. M. Avdispahić, Ten lectures on methods of harmonic analysis, DAAD Go East
Sarajevo Summer School of Applications of Mathematics in Engineering, Sarajevo,
August 22-26, 2011
7. M. Avdispahić and N. Memić, Fourier multipliers on totally disconnected groups,
International Congress of Mathematicians ICM 2010, Hyderabad, August 19-27, 2010
8. M. Avdispahić and N. Memić, Differentiation on local fields, International Congress
of Mathematicians ICM 2010, Hyderabad, August 19-27, 2010
9. M. Avdispahić and Dž. Gušić, International Congress of Mathematicians ICM 2010,
Hyderabad, August 19-27, 2010
10. Functional equation, Euler product and explicit formulas in the Jorgenson-Lang
fundamental class, International Conference on Arithmetic Geometry in framework of
Mathematical Congress dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Leonhard Euler, Russian
Academy of Sciences and Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg,
June 13-19, 2007
11. O nekim vrijednostima zeta i L funkcija, Matematički kolokvij Odsjeka za matematiku
Univerziteta u Tuzli, 02.03.2007.
12. On the logarithmic derivative of the Selberg zeta functin, Khwarizmi international
award lecture at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, February 7, 2007
13. On the prime geodesic theorem, International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid,
Aug. 22-30, 2006
14. Primes, zeros and explicit formulas, LUMS International Conference on Mathematics
and its Applications in Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, November 27-30,
2005 (invited speaker)
15. On functional equations and explicit formulas for the fundamental class of functions,
2nd International Conference on p-adic Mathematical Physics, Belgrade, September
15-21, 2005
16. The functional equation in fundamental class and the type of explicit formula, Second
international conference on applied mathematics, 12.08.-17.08. 2005. Plovdiv,
Bulgaria (invited talk)
17. Eksplicitne formule za fundamentalnu klasu Jorgenson-Langa, Matematički kolokvij
Odsjeka za matematiku Univerziteta u Tuzli, 06.05.2005.
18. Explicit formula in a symmetric case and applications, Fourth European Congress of
Mathematics, 27. 06.-02.07. 2004. Stockholm, Sweden.
19. Generalized variation and explicit formulas for regularized products and series,
International Congress of Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe, Borovets,
Bulgaria, September 15-21, 2003, Abstracts, p. 120
20. Maximal operators on k-spheres in Zn
,International Congress of Mathematicians,
Beijing, Aug. 24, 2002
21. Integrability on unbounded totally disconnected groups, International Congress of
Mathematicians, Berlin, Aug. 22, 1998
22. Mathematics in Sarajevo: 1992-94, International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich, Aug. 10, 1994
23. Fourier series on compact totally disconnected groups, European Congress of
Mathematics, Paris, July 6–10, l992 (accepted; not presented due to siege of Sarajevo)
24. Trigonometric series on totally disconnected groups, Winter School in Abstract
Analysis, Strobl am Wolfgangsee, February 3-8, 1992
25. Convergence of Fourier series on unbounded Vilenkin groups, Constructive Theory of
Functions ‘91, Varna, May 28-June 3, 1991
26. Fourier analysis on Vilenkin groups, ICM ‘90, Kyoto, Aug. 27, 1990 (informal
27. Function spaces in harmonic analysis on Vilenkin groups, International Congress of
Mathematicians, Kyoto, Aug. 22, 1990
28. Function classes and convergence problems of Fourier-Vilenkin series, Conference on
Approximation Theory, Janos Bolyai Math. Soc., Kecskemet, Aug. 6-11, 1990
29. Summability on unbounded Vilenkin groups. 4th International Workshop in Analysis
and Its Applications, Kupari – Dubrovnik, June 1-10, 1990
30. Integrability of Vilenkin series in unbounded systems, Department of Mathematics,
California State University, Los Angeles, CA, April 30, 1990
31. What is harmonic analysis on Vilenkin groups, Department of Mathematics, Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, VI, April 1990
32. Function spaces in harmonic analysis on Vilenkin groups I, 3rd International
Workshop in Analysis and Its Applications, Kupari – Dubrovnik, June 1-10, 1989
33. Zygmund's approximation theorem on compact groups, Numerical Methods and
Approximation Theory, Nis, Aug 18-21, 1987
34. Fourier series of regulated functions, 2nd
International Workshop in Analysis and Its
Applications, Kupari – Dubrovnik, June 1-10, 1987
35. On theorems of Fejer and Lukacs, Constructive Theory of Functions ‘87, Varna, May
25-31, 1987
36. Inclusion relations for classes of functions of generalized bounded variation II, First
Internatinal Workshop in Analysis and Its Applications, Kupari – Dubrovnik, June 1-
10, 1986
37. Concepts of variation on compact totally disconnected groups, Functional Analysis,
Dubrovnik, Nov. 4-11, 1985
38. Inclusion relations for classes of functions of generalized bounded variation I, 8th
Congress of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Yugoslavia, Prishtina,
Sept. 23-27, 1985
39. Concepts of generalized variation on Vilenkin groups and convergence of FourierVilenkin series, Alfred Haar Memorial Conference, Budapest, Aug. 11-17, 1985
40. On the spectra of nonnegative triangular matrix transformations , 7th Congress of
Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Yugoslavia, Bečići – Budva, Oct. 6-
11, 1980
Naučno-istraživački projekti
2005-13 Center of Excellence for Applications of Mathematics, DAAD (koordinator za Bosnu
i Hercegovinu; naučna saradnja i intenzivni kursevi iz raznih oblasti primjena matematike za
doktorante i magistrante s univerziteta u BiH, Bugarskoj, Crnoj Gori, Hrvatskoj, Makedoniji,
Moldaviji, Rumuniji, Srbiji i Kosovu)
2008-10 Spektralni aritmetički podaci i geometrijske informacije, Ministarstvo obrazovanja i
nauke Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, dvogodišnji projekt odobren na Konkursu za 2008.
godinu (objavljena 3 rada u časopisima na MathSciNet i ZentralblattMath listama, 1 rad u
časopisu na SCI i Current Contents listama; 3 naučna izlaganja na Svjetskom kongresu
matematičara; jedan saradnik stekao naučni stepen doktora, a četiri naučni stepen magistra
matematičkih nauka)
2007-08 Selbergova formula traga i primjene, Ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke Federacije
Bosne i Hercegovine, jednogodišnji projekt odobren na Konkursu za 2007. godinu (objavljena
2 rada u časopisima na Web of Science; 5 naučnih izlaganja mladih saradnika na SEE Young
Researchers Workshop; jedna istraživačica stekla naučni stepen magistra)
2007-08 Primjene analize na potpuno nepovezanim grupama, Ministarstvo obrazovanja i
nauke Kantona Sarajevo, jednogodišnji projekt odobren na Konkursu za 2007. godinu
(objavljena 2 rada u časopisima na Web of Science)
2007 Explicit formulas in number theory, Khwarizmi International Award 2007, Iranian
Research Organization for Science and Technology
2003-04 Analitičke i algebarske strukture u teoriji brojeva, Ministarstvo obrazovanja, nauke i
sporta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, dvogodišnji projekt odobren na Konkursu za 2003.
godinu (dva rada u časopisima zastupljenim u Current Contents; dva pozivna izlaganja na
međunarodnim naučnim skupovima; dva univerzitetska izdanja; 1 istraživač stekao naučni
stepen magistra)
2003-04 Teoremi o prostim geodezijskim linijama, Ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke Kantona
Sarajevo, dvogodišnji projekt odobren na Konkursu za 2003. godinu (dva rada u časopisima
na Web of Science; dva izlaganja na 4. Evropskom matematičkom kongresu)
2001-02 Savremeni problemi analize, algebre i primijenjene matematike XV, Ministarstvo
obrazovanja, nauke i sporta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, dvogodišnji projekt odobren na
Konkursu za 2001. godinu (7 objavljenih naučnih radova, predstavljenih u međunarodnim
bazama podataka; 4 člana istraživačkog tima odbranila doktorske disertacije, 3 magistarske
1996-97 RSS-43/96 Savremeni problemi matematičkih nauka (rukovodilac projekta
podržanog od Soros Fondacije – Fond Otvoreno društvo Bosne i Herzegovine; odbranjena 1
doktorska disertacija i 4 magistarska rada)
1995-96 Matematika i matematički aspekti empirijskih nauka, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti
Bosne i Hercegovine (odgovorni istraživač)
1994-95 OSI-81/94 Topics in harmonic analysis on totally disconnected groups (individual
research project supported by Soros Foundation – Open Society Fund of Bosnia and
1988-91 Multipliers of sequence spaces and strong convergence with applications to
trigonometric and Fourier series (senior research associate in a project financed by US-SFRY
Joint Fund)
1987-89 Geometrija, harmonijska analiza i teorija operatora (rukovodilac projekta kod SIZ
nauke BiH; 5 istraživača odbranilo doktorske disertacije, 2 magistarske radnje)
1979-92 učesnik šest projekata iz analize i algebre Odsjeka za matematiku i ANUBiH
podržanih od SIZ nauke BiH (saradnik u 2 i odgovorni istraživač u naredna četiri projekta)