
  • 1996-2000 Gimnazija Bugojno
  • 12.10.2004. god. diplomirao na smjeru Matematika i teorijska komjuterska nauka na Odsjeku za matematiku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Sarajevu sa prosječnom ocjenom 9.68 na temu “Četiri važne parcijalne diferencijalne jednadžbe
  • 08.06.2009. god. magistrirao na smjeru Primijenjena matematika na Odsjeku za matematiku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Sarajevu sa prosječnom ocjenom 10.00 na temu “Kompetitivni sistemi diferentnih jednadžbi i globalne bifurkacije
  • 14.09.2011. god. doktorirao na Odsjeku za matematiku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Sarajevu na temu “Globalna dinamika monotonih i antimonotonih diskretnih dinamičkih sistema u ravni”

Akademsko iskustvo

  • 2004-2010 Asistent na na Odsjeku za matematiku na oblasti Teorijska kompjuterska nauka
  • 2010-2011 Viši asistent na Odsjeku za matematiku na oblasti Primijenjena matematika
  • 2011-2015 Docent na Odsjeku za matematiku na oblasti Primijenjena matematika
  • 2015-2018 Vanredni profesor Odsjeku za matematiku na oblasti Primijenjena matematika
  • 2018- do danas Redovni profesor Odsjeku za matematiku na oblasti Primijenjena matematika
  • 2015-2020 Šef Odsjeka za matematiku
  • 2020 – do danas Prodekan za opće poslove i finansije na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu univerziteta u sarajevu

Područja istraživanja

  • Diferentne jednadžbe
  • Dinamički sistemi
  • Matematička biologija


Naučni radovi

  1. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, A general egg-limited and search-limited host-parasitoid model with proportional host refuge, Applicable Analysis (2024) (accepted)
  2. M. R. S. Kulenović, C. O’Loughlin and Esmir Pilav, Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of two second order rational difference equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2024, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2024.2378824
  3. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, A. Linero-Bas, D. Nieves-Roldan and E. Pilav, A generalized Beddington host-parasitoid model with an arbitrary parasitism escape function, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2024. (to appear)
  4. E. Bešo, Dž. Drino, S. Kalabušić, D. Kovačević and E. Pilav, Stability and bifurcations of a host-parasitoid model with general host escape function and general stocking upon parasitoids, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2024, DOI: 10.1142/S1793524524500578
  5. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav, Food-limited plant–herbivore model: Bifurcations, persistence, and stability, Mathematical Biosciences, Volume 370, 2024, 109157, ISSN 0025-5564, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mbs.2024.109157. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025556424000178)
  6. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav, Dynamics of the discrete-time Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator-prey system in the closed positively invariant set, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42, 341 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-023-02481-w
  7. E. Bešo, A. Bilgin, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav,  Dynamics of a plant-herbivore model subject to allee effects with logistic growth of plant biomass, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 33, No. 10, 2330026 (2023). (https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218127423300264)
  8. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav,  Dynamics of a plant-herbivore system with Ricker plant growth and the strong Allee effects on plant populatio, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B (DCDS-B), AIMS, 2023, https://doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2023108
  9. Kalabušić, S., Pilav, E.,The behavior of a host-parasitoid model with host logistic growth and proportional refuge, International Journal of Biomathematics, (2023), https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793524523500432
  10. Kalabušić S., Drino, Dž., Pilav, E. (2023). Bifurcation and Stability of a Ricker Host-Parasitoid Model with a Host Constant Refuge and General Escape Function. In: Elaydi, S., Kulenović, M.R.S., Kalabušić, S. (eds) Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations and Applications. ICDEA 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 416. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25225-9_12
  11. Kalabušić, S., Pilav, E.The behavior of a class host-parasitoid models with host refuge and strong Allee effect upon the host population, Journal of Biological Systems, (2023), https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218339023500274
  12. Kalabušić, S., Pilav, E. Global behavior of a class of discrete epidemiological SI models with constant recruitment of susceptibles. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, (2022), 28:2, 259-288, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2022.2042277
  13. Kalabušić, S., Pilav, E. Bifurcations, Permanence and Local Behavior of the Plant-Herbivore Model with Logistic Growth of Plant Biomass. Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst. 21, 26 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12346-022-00561-6
  14. S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav, Stability of the May's host-parasitoid model with variable stocking upon parasitoids, International Journal of Biomathematics, Vol. 15, No. 02, 2150072 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793524521500728
  15. M. R. S. Kulenović, Connor O'Loughlin and Esmir Pilav, The Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and global stability of perturbation of sigmoid Beverton-Holt difference equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2021, Article ID 2092709, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/2092709
  16. J. Bektešević, V. Hadžiabdić, M. Mehuljić, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav, Dynamics of a class of host-parasitoid models with external stocking upon parasitoids, Adv Differ Equ 2021, 31 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-020-03193-9
  17. S. Kalabušić, Dž. Drino and E. Pilav, Period-doubling and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations of a Beddington host-parasitoid model with a host refuge effect, International Journal of Bifurcation and ChaosVol. 30, No. 16, 2050254 (2020)
  18. M.R.S. Kulenović, Naida Mucić and Esmir Pilav, Period-Doubling and Naimark-Sacker Bifurcations of Certain Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equations, International Journal of Difference Equations, Volume 15, Number 1 (2020) pages 121-152.
  19. S. Kalabušić, Dž. Drino and E. Pilav, Global behavior and bifurcation in a class of host-parasitoid models with a constant host refuge, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 19, Article number: 66 (2020).
  20. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, Boundedness of solutions and stability of certain second-order difference equation with quadratic term  Advances in Difference Equations, 2020, 19 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-019-2490-9.
  21. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, Stability of a certain class of a host-parasitoid models with a spatial refuge effect, Journal of Biological Dynamics, (2020), 14:1, 1-31, DOI: 10.1080/17513758.2019.1692916
  22. S. Kalabušić, E. Bešo, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, Stability analysis of a certain class of difference equations by using KAM theory, Advances in Difference Equations, 2019(1) DOI: 10.1186/s13662-019-2148-7.
  23. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, “Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and stability of a certain class of a host-parasitoid models with a host refuge effect”,  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 29(12), 2019, DOI: 10.1142/S0218127419501694 .
  24. Emin Bešo. Naida Mujić, Senada Kalabušić and Esmir Pilav, Basin of attraction of the fixed point and period-two solutions of a certain anti-competitive map, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 28(1):24-34, 2020.
  25. M. R. S. Kulenović, E. Pilav and N. Mujić, Birkhoff Normal Forms, KAM theory and continua of periodic points for certain planar system, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, VOL. 27, NO.3,  2019.
  26. A. Bilgin, M.R.S. Kulenović, A. Brett and E. Pilav, Global Dynamics of Cooperative Discrete System in the Plane, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 28, No. 7 (2018) 1830022 (17 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0218127418300227
  27. S. Kalabušić, N. Mujić and E. Pilav, The Invariant Curve in a Planar System of Difference Equations, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, vol. 13. no.1, 2018.
  28. V. Hadžiabdić, M. R. S. Kulenović and E. Pilav, Global stability of a quadratic anti-competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane with Allee effects, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1132–1144, 2018.
  29. J. Bektešević, M.R.S. Kulenović, E.Pilav, Global Dynamics of the Polynomial Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis,  vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 46–81, 2017.
  30. Vahidin Hadžiabdić, Mustafa R.S. Kulenović and Esmir Pilav, Bifurcation and Global Dynamics of a Leslie-Gower Type Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations with Quadratic Terms, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2017, 2017. DOI: 10.1155/2017/3104512
  31. T. Khyat, M.R.S. Kulenović and E. Pilav, The invariant curve caused by Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of a perturbed Beverton-Holt difference equation, International Journal of Difference Equations, ISSN 0973-6069, Volume 12, Number 2, pp. 267–280 (2017)
  32. T. Khyat, M.R.S Kulenović, E. Pilav, The Naimark-Sacker bifurcation and symptotic approximation of the invariant curve of a certain difference equation, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1335–1346, 2017.
  33. M.R.S Kulenović, E. Pilav, Asymptotic approximations of the stable and unstable manifolds of the fixed point of a certain rational map by using functional equation, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, Vol.12 (25), No.2, (2016), 233–250
  34. Erin Denette, Mustafa Kulenović, Esmir Pilav: “Birkhoff Normal Forms, KAM Theory and Time Reversal Symmetry for Certain Rational Map”, Mathematics 03/2016; 4(1):20. DOI:10.3390/math4010020
  35. Arzu Bilgin, Mustafa R.S. Kulenovic, Esmir Pilav: Basins of attraction of period-two solutions of monotone difference equations. Advances in Difference Equations 03/2016; 2016(2016:74):25. DOI:10.1186/s13662-016-0801-y
  36. S. Jasarević-Hrustić, Z.Nurkanović, M.R.S. Kulenović and E.Pilav, “Birkhoff Normal Forms, KAM theory and Symmetries for Certain Second Order Rational Difference Equation with Quadratic Term”, International Journal of Difference Equations, ISSN 0973-6069, Volume 10, Number 2, pp. 181–199 (2015)
  37. J. Bektešević, M.RS. Kulenović, E. Pilav, “Asymptotic approximations of a stable and unstable manifolds of a two-dimensional quadratic map, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 35–51, 2016.
  38. J. Bektešević, M.RS. Kulenović, E. Pilav, “Global Dynamics of Cubic Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant”, Advances in Difference Equations, 2015(2015:176):38., DOI:10.1186/s13662-015-0503-x
  39. J. Bektešević, M.RS. Kulenović, E. Pilav, “Asymptotic Approximations of the Stable and Unstable Manifolds of Fixed Points of a Two-dimensional Cubic Map”, International Journal of Difference Equations 05/2015; 10(1):39-58.
  40. M.R.S. Kulenović, E. Pilav and E. Silić, “Naimark-Sacker Bifurcation of a Certain Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equation‍”, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, 09/2014; 4(6):1044-1054.
  41. V. Hadžiabdić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Dynamics of a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations with Quadratic Terms”, Advances in Difference Equations 11/2014; 2014:301. DOI:10.1186/1687-1847-2014-301
  42. S. Kalabušić, M. R. S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Basins of Attraction of Certain Linear Fractional System of Difference Equations in the Plane”, International Journal of Difference Equations, 08/2014; 9(2):207-222.
  43. M.R.S. Kulenović, E. Pilav and E. Silić, “Local Dynamics and Global Attractivity of a Certain  Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equation”, Advances in Difference Equations, 2014:68 doi:10.1186/1687-1847-2014-68
  44. M. R. S. Kulenović, Z. Nurkanović and E. Pilav, “Birkhoff Normal Forms and KAM theory for  Gumowski-Mira Equation”, The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 819290, 8 pages DOI:10.1155/2014/819290
  45. J. Bektešević, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav: “Global Dynamics of Quadratic Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 227, 15 January 2014, Pages 50–65.
  46. S. Kalabušić, M. R. S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Global Dynamics of Anti-Competitive Systems in the Plane,” Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems    Series  A:  Mathematical Analysis, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 477–505, 2013
  47. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Global Dynamics of an Anti-Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2013, pages 1849-1871, DOI:10.1080/10236198.2013.787420
  48. S. Kalabušić, M. R. S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Multiple Attractors for a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane,” Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2011, Article ID 295308, 35 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/295308
  49. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Dynamics of a Two-dimensional System of Rational Difference Equations of Leslie-Gower type”, Advances in Difference Equations 2011, 2011:29 doi:10.1186/1687-1847-2011-29
  50. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Global Dynamics of a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane”, Advances in Difference Equations, (2009), Article ID 132802, 30 pages.
  51. E. Pilav, B. Ramić-Brkić: “Real-time Image Based Rendering Using Limited Resources”, Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG), April 24th – 26th, (2008), Budmerice Castle, Slovakia

Izlaganja na konferencijama

  1. Esmir Pilav, Belma Ramić-Brkić: “Real-time Image Based Rendering Using Limited Resources”, Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG), CESCG – Web Proceedings, April 24th – 26th, 2008, Budmerice Castle, Slovakia
  2. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav: “Global Dynamics of a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane”, BH matematički skup, Juli 7th – 8th, 2010, Tuzla, BiH
  3. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav: “Global Dynamics of Anti-Competitive Systems in the Plane”, The 18th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, July 23 to 27, 2012. Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)
  4. E. Pilav: “Global Dynamics of an Anti-Competitive system in the plane”, Seventh Bosnian and Herzegovinian Mathematical Conference, 16 August, 2012, Sarajevo, BiH
  5. S. Kalabušić, M.R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav: “Global Dynamics of Quadratic Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant”, Joint Mathematics Meetings Baltimore, January 15-18, 2014.
  6. Toufik Khyat, M.R.S. Kulenović and E. Pilav: “Global asymptotic stability and Naimark-Sacker bifurcation of a certain difference equation.”, Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ November 14-15, 2015 (Saturday – Sunday)
  7. M.R.S. Kulenović, N. Mujić and E. Pilav: “Period-Doubling and Naimark-Sacker Bifurcations of Certain Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equation”, Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, April 21-22, 2018 (Saturday – Sunday)
  8. M.R.S. Kulenović, N. Mujić and E. Pilav: “Birkhoff Normal Forms and KAM theory for the system x_{n+1}=\frac{a}{x:n+y_n}, y_{n+1}=\frac{x_n}{y_n}”, BMS 2018, July 12-14, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  9. E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić, A. Linero-Bas, D. Nieves-Roldan and E. Pilav, A generalized Beddington host-parasitoid model with an arbitrary parasitism escape function, The 29th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 2024), June 24th-28th 2024, Paris, France.

Objavljene knjige i udžbenici

  1. Senada Kalabušić, Esmir Pilav, “Obične diferencijalne jednadžbe”, Prirodno matematički fakultet, Sarajevo, 2014, ISBN 978-9958-592-55-3
  2. Senada Kalabušić, Nacima Memić, Esmir Pilav, “Parcijalne diferencijalne jednadžbe”, Prirodno matematički fakultet, Sarajevo, 2015, ISBN978-9958-592-64-5
  3. Jasmin Bektešević, Vahidin Hadžiabdić, Midhat Mehuljić, Esmir Pilav, “Teorijske osnove i zbirka riješenih zadataka iz višestrukih, krivolinijskih i površinskih integrala”, Prirodno matematički fakultet, Sarajevo, 2018, ISBN 9978-9926-453-03-9

Naučno-istraživački projekti

  1. Diferentne jednadžbe s periodičkim koeficijentima i primjene, Kantonalno ministarstvo Obrazovanja, Sarajevo, 2005.-2006. (član u timu)
  2. Diferentne jednadžbe i monotoni diskretni dinamički sistemi, Kantonalno ministarstvo Obrazovanja, Sarajevo, 2007.-2008. (član u timu)
  3. Invarijantne mnogostrukosti i globalna dinamika određenih frakcionalnih diferentnih jednadžbi drugog reda sa kvadratnim članovima, Federalno ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke, 2013-2014 (član u timu)
  4. Bifurkacije i globalna dinamika određene frakcionalne diferentne jednadžbe drugog reda sa kvadratnim članovima, Federalno ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke, 2015. (voditelj projekat)
  5. Globalna dinamika, bifurkacije i Julia skupovi za neke racionalne diferentne jednadžbe drugog reda sa kvadratnim članovima, Federalno ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke, 2016 (član u timu)
  6. Erasmus projekat RE@WBC, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, 2016 (član u timu)
  7. Član naučno-istraživačkog tima i učesnik naučno-istraživačkog projekta „Neimark-Sackerova bifurkacija i stabilnost određene klase host-parasitoid modela sa host refuge efektom“ pod vodstvom voditeljice projekta prof. dr. Senade Kalabušić (projekat je odobren od strane Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo, broj 11/05-14-27665-1/19 prema Konkursu iz 2019. godine)
  8. Član u timu za realizaciju projekta “Modernizacija laboratorija na Odsjeku za fiziku”, 2021.

Stručni radovi

  1. S.Kalabušić, E. Pilav, “Primjena diferentnih jednadžbi u modeliranju pregovora radnika i menadžmenta”, Uprava, srtučni časopis, Issue no. 1/2010, pp 151-158, ISSN 1986-5813.
  2. E. Pilav, Programiranje u programskom paketu Mathematica, Triangle, Vol 1, (2005)
  3. E. Pilav, “Primjena diferentnih jednadžbi na modeliranju i rješavanju nekih problema”, Stručni kolokvij, Prirodno matematički fakultet, Odsjek za matematiku, Sarajevo, (2005)
  4. S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, “Bifurkacije i haos u nekim ekonomskim modelima”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Sarajevu, Issue no. 29/2009, pp 495-511, ISSN 0581-7439.


Mentorstvo za doktorske disertacije:

  1. Vahidin Hadžiabdić, “Invarijantne krive i globalna dinamika određenih kvadratnih frakcionalnih sistema diferenctnih jednadžbi u ravni”, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Odsjek za matematiku, Sarajevo (doktorska disertacija odbranjena 15.02.2016. godine)
  2. Emin Bešo, „Neimark-Sackerova bifurkacija i stabilnost određene klase host-parasitoid modela“, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Odsjek za matematiku, Sarajevo (doktorska disertacija odbranjena 09.09.2020. godine, komentorstvo sa prof. dr. Senadom Kalabušić)
  3. Džana Drino, „Globalno ponašanje, stabilnost i bifurkacije šire klase host-parasitoid modela saproporcionalnim i konstantnim refuge efektom“, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Odsjek za matematičke i kompjuterske nauke, Sarajevo (doktorska disertacija odbranjena 20.06.2023. godine, komentorstvo sa prof. dr. Senadom Kalabušić)
  4. Jasmina Muminović – Huremović, „Dinamički sistemi racionalnih funkcija na Zp“, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Odsjek za matematičke i kompjuterske nauke, Sarajevo (doktorska disertacija odbranjena 19.10.2023. godine, komentorstvo sa prof. dr. Nacimom Memić)

Nagrade i priznanja

  • Diploma za najuspješnijeg studenta Odsjeka za matematiku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu u akademskoj 2001/2002 godini, Sarajevo, 15. maj, 2003. godine
  • Diploma za najuspješnijeg studenta Odsjeka za matematiku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu u akademskoj 2002/2003 godini, Sarajevo, 24. maj, 2004. godine
  • Nagrade Univerziteta u Sarajevu u skladu sa Pravilnikom o nagrađivanju na osnovu rezultata naučnog rada za 2019. godinu
  • Nagrade Univerziteta u Sarajevu u skladu sa Pravilnikom o nagrađivanju na osnovu rezultata naučnog rada za 2020. godin
  • Nagrade Univerziteta u Sarajevu u skladu sa Pravilnikom o nagrađivanju na osnovu rezultata naučnog rada za 2021. godinu
  • Nagrade Univerziteta u Sarajevu u skladu sa Pravilnikom o nagrađivanju na osnovu rezultata naučnog rada za 2022. godinu

Članstvo u akademskim i stručnim organizacijama

Članstvo u organizacijama:

  1. Predsjednik Udruženja matematičara Kantona Sarajevo (2024- do danas)
  2. Član International Society on Difference Equations (ISDE) od 2020. godine

Članstvo u organizacionim odborima događaja i kongresa:

  1. Član organizacionog odbora konferencije BMS Mathematical Conference, Sarajevo, 12-14 juli 2018. Godine
  2. Član organizaciong odbora 5. kongresa geografa Bosne i Hercegovine održati u Sarajevu na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu od 18. Do 20. novembra 2020. godine.
  3. Član organizacionog odbora konferencije ICDEA 2021-26th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 2021), Sarajevo, 26-30 juli 2021. godine
  4. Član organizacionog odbora 26. Juniorske balkanske matematičke olimpijade 2022, June 28 – July 3, 2022.

Recenzije i uredništvo u naučnim i stručnim časopisima

Recenzent za sljedeće časopise:

  • International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
  • Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,
  • International Journal of Biomathematics,
  • Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,
  • Journal of Mathematical Sciences.