Ph.D. in Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo (thesis: Calculus of functors for r-immersions; advisor: Ismar Volić), 2020
MSc in Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo (thesis: Derivations on p-adic fields; advisor: Nacima Memić), 2014
BSc in Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, 2012
Kretanje u zaposlenju
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, 2023—present
Senior Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, 2018—2022
Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, 2015—2018
Research Assistant, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, 2014—15 and 2017—18
Akademsko iskustvo
Postdoctoral researcher at University of Seville (Spain), 2022
Visiting researcher at Wellesley College (USA), Spring 2019
Visiting researcher at Wellesley College (USA), Spring 2016
Seminar/Colloquium/Conference Talks
“r-immersions and partial configuration spaces“; 3rd Young STEMM Researchers Meeting, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina; October 2024 (Sarajevo, Bosnia). Awarded the first prize for the best presentation
Topology of political structures and voting games modeled by simplicial complexes; TU Graz (Graz University of Technology), May 2024 (Graz, Austria)
Convergence of the homological Taylor tower for r-immersions; University of Tuzla Colloquium, March 2024 (Tuzla, Bosnia)
Connectivity estimates in the homological Taylor tower for the space of reduced embeddings in Rn; Conference on March 14 – the International Day of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina; March 2024 (Sarajevo, Bosnia)
“Geometry and topology of political structures and voting systems“; 2nd Young STEM Researchers Meeting, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina; November 2023 (Sarajevo, Bosnia). Awarded the third prize for the best presentation
“r-Immersions from the point of view of functor calculus“; NMSU Geometry and Topology seminar, New Mexico State University; April 2023 (Las Cruces, USA), via Zoom. Lecture notes
“An intuitive introduction to Manifold calculus of functors“; Seminar of Algebra at Department of Algebra, University of Seville; September 2022 (Seville, Spain)
“Homological convergence of the manifold calculus Taylor tower for r-immersions“; talk at the Young Topologists Meeting 2019 at EPFL, July 2019 (Lausanne, Switzerland)
“Fixed-point theorems in topology“, student seminar at Wellesley College, April 2019 (Wellesley, USA)
“Calculus of functors for r-immersions“; talk at the workshop Graph Complexes, Configuration Spaces and Manifold Calculus at Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, May 2018 (Vancouver, Canada)
“Calculus of functors for r-immersions“; University of Tuzla Colloquium, March 2018 (Tuzla, Bosnia)
“From Taylor series to Taylor tower: Calculus of functors and its applications“; University of Sarajevo Colloquium, March 2017 (Sarajevo, Bosnia)
Erasmus+ Staff Week
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (Portugal), May 2022. Talks:
An introduction to the main concepts of topology
Some applications of topological methods in electrical engineering
The University of Graz (Austria), May 2024. Talks:
A first introduction to Goodwillie calculus
Towers of Goodwillie calculus
As an assistant professor (2023—present), I teach the following classes:
Geometry I
Set Theory
History of Mathematics
Naučni radovi
Papers – published or accepted for publication
Intrinsic convergence of the homological Taylor tower for r-immersions in Rn , with G. Arone, Homology, Homotopy and Applications 26 (2024), no. 2, 163–192. DOI: 10.4310/HHA.2024.v26.n2.a8
The space of r-immersions of a union of discs in Rn, with G. Arone, Mathematica Scandinavica 130 (2024), no. 3, 487-503. DOI: 10.7146/math.scand.a-148809
Connectivity estimates in the homological Taylor tower for the space of reduced embeddings in Rn. in Proceedings of the Conference on March 14 – International Day Of Mathematics, Special Editions ANUBiH, Book CCXVI, OPMN Book 30 (2024), pp 33–37. DOI: 10.5644/PI2024.216.05
Low stages of the Taylor tower for r-immersions, with B. Schreiner and I. Volić, Involve 13 (2020), no. 1, 51–75. DOI: 10.2140/involve.2020.13.51
Toward finite models for the stages of the Taylor tower for embeddings of the 2-sphere, with A. Bolić and I. Volić, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies (IAT 2019) pp 1-13 (2020). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24986-1_1
A streamlined proof of the convergence of the Taylor tower for embeddings in Rn , with I. Volić, Colloquium Mathematicum 156 (2019), no. 1, 91-122. DOI: 10.4064/cm7363-2-2018
Papers – submitted or in preparation
- Weighted simple games and the topology of simplicial complexes, with A. Brooks and I. Volić, submitted. https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.09771
- A model of preferential attachment in voting networks, with H. Šiljak and I. Volić, in preparation.
Objavljene knjige i udžbenici
Izvan stroja. Nacionalno, građansko i druge opsjene, Synopsis, Zagreb – Sarajevo, 2023
- Kratki uvod u topologiju, to appear in 2025
Azra Kovačević, at University of Sarajevo. She defended her master thesis in September 2024.
Nagrade i priznanja
- Award of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, 2009
- Award “Zlatna značka” for the graduating student of the year at the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, 2014
- Award of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023
- Award of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2024
Članstvo u akademskim i stručnim organizacijama
An affiliate of the Institute for Mathematics and Democracy, 2020—present.