
Kretanje u zaposlenju

Akademsko iskustvo


Seminar/Colloquium/Conference Talks


Erasmus+ Staff Week



As an assistant professor (2023—present), I teach the following classes:

Naučni radovi

Papers – published or accepted for publication


Papers – submitted or in preparation

  1. Weighted simple games and the topology of simplicial complexes, with A. Brooks and I. Volić, submitted. https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.09771 

Objavljene knjige i udžbenici


Nagrade i priznanja

  • Award of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, 2009
  • Award “Zlatna značka” for the graduating student of the year at the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, 2014
  • Award of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023
  • Award of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2024

Članstvo u akademskim i stručnim organizacijama