- Maj 2009 – Juni 2013 University of Warwick Ph.D. in Engineering
- Oktobar 2004 – Juni 2008 University of Buckingham – Sarajevo School of Science and Technology B.Sc. in Computer Science
Akademsko iskustvo
- 2019. – do danas vanredni profesor na Odsjeku za matematiku Prirodno matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
- 2014. – 2019. Docent, Odsjek za matematiku Prirodno-matematički fakultet Sarajevo
- 2013 .– 2014. Docent, International Burch University
- 2012 .– 2013. Asistent, University of Warwick
- 2006. – 2008. Demonstrator, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Naučni radovi
- K. Altwlkany, S. Delalić, E. Selmanović, A. Alihodžić, I. Lovrić, “A Recurrent Neural Network Approach to the Answering Machine Detection Problem”, in 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2024
- E. Selmanović, E. Mulaimović, S. Delalić, Z. Kadrić, Z. Šabanac, “Neural Network Impact on Marker Performance in Computer Vision Tasks”, in 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2024
- K. Altwlkany, S. Delalić, A. Alihodžić, E. Selmanović, D. Hasić, “Application of Audio Fingerprinting Techniques for Real-Time Scalable Speech Retrieval and Speech Clusterization”, in 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2024
- S. Delalić, Z. Kadrić, E. Selmanović, E. Mulaimović, E. Kadušić, “Selecting Symbols for Object Marking in Computer Vision Tasks”, in 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2024
- A. Alagic, N. Zivic, E. Kadusic, Dz. Hamzic, N. Hadzajlic, M. Dizdarevic, E. Selmanović, “Machine Learning for an Enhanced Credit Risk Analysis: A Comparative Study of Loan Approval Prediction Models Integrating Mental Health Data”, in Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 2024
- S. Delalić, E. Žunić, A. Alihodžić, E. Selmanović, “A discrete bat algorithm for the rich vehicle routing problem”, in 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2021
- C. Harvey, E. Selmanović, J. O’Connor, M. Chahin, “A comparison between expert and beginner learning for motor skill development in a virtual reality serious game”, in The Visual Computer, 2021
- S. Delalić, E. Žunić, A. Alihodžić, E. Selmanović, “The Order Batching Concept Implemented In Real Smart Warehouse”, in 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2020
- S. Delalić, A. Alihodžić, M. Tuba, E. Selmanović, D. Hasić, “Discrete Bat Algorithm for Event Planning Optimization”, in 43rd International convention on information, communication and electronic technology (MIPRO), 2020
- E. Selmanović, S. Rizvic, C. Harvey, D. Boskovic, V. Hulusic, M. Chahin, S. Sljivo, “Improving accessibility to intangible cultural heritage preservation using virtual reality”, in Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2020
- S. Delalić, A. Alihodžić, E. Selmanović, “Innovative Usage of Online Platforms Analytics on Event Planning based on the Genetic Algorithm with Greedy Approach”, in XXVII International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), 2019
- A. Alihodzic, D. Hasic, E. Selmanović, “An Effective Guided Fireworks Algorithm for Solving UCAV Path Planning Problem”, in 9th International Conference Numerical Methods and Applications (NMA2018), 2018
- E. Selmanović, S. Rizvic, C. Harvey, D. Boskovic, V. Hulusic, M Chahin, S Sljivo, ”VR Video Storytelling for Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation”, in 16th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (EG GCH), 2018
- C. Harvey, E. Selmanović, J. O'Connor and M. Chahin, “Validity of Virtual Reality Training for Motor Skill Development in a Serious Game”, in 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games), 2018
- E. Eydi, Dz. Medjedovic, E. Mekic, E. Selmanović, “Buffered count-min sketch”, in International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies, 2017
- K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, E. Selmanović, R. Mukherjee, A. Chalmers, “Optimal exposure compression for high dynamic range content”, in The Visual Computer, vol. 31, 2015
- E. Selmanović, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista, and A. Chalmers, “Enabling Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Video”, in Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2013
- E. Selmanović, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Chalmers, “Generating stereoscopic HDR images using HDR-LDR image pairs”, in ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 2013
- M. R. Broome, E. Zányi, T. Hamborg, E. Selmanović, S. Czanner, M. Birchwood, A. Chalmers, S. P. Singh, “A high-fidelity virtual environment for the study of paranoia”, in Schizophrenia research and treatment, 2013
- L. P. Santos, J. Wood, E. Selmanović, C. Harvey, K. Debattista and A. Chalmers, “Bespoke high-fidelity visualization of tiling”, in HDRi 2013: First International Conference and SME Workshop on HDR Imaging (short paper), 2013
- E. Selmanović, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Chalmers, “Backwards Compatible JPEG Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Imaging”, in Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 2012
- S. Scarle, I. Dunwell, T. Bashford-Rogers, E. Selmanović, K. Debattista, A. Chalmers, J. Powell and W. Robertson, “Complete Motion Control of a Serious Game against Obesity in Children”, in Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, 2011.
- E. Selmanović, K Debattista, S Scarle, A Chalmers, “Obesity in Children – A Serious Game”, in Proceedings of CESCG 2010: The 14th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics, 2010.
- E. Zanyi, E. Selmanović, M. Broome, S. Czanner, M. Birchwood, A. Chalmers and S. SINGH, “Interactive Highly Realistic Virtual Reality as a Tool for Understanding the Genesis and Treatment of Psychotic Symptoms”, in Studies in health technology and informatics, vol. 144, p. 138, 2009